The silver spoon's people, the wooden spoon's people and the self-made people

Let's take a look at the silver spoon's people, the wooden spoon's people and the self-made people.

The drama 'Gold Spoon', based on a webtoon, has come to the end. The life of a silver spoon was re-examined through the drama. A silver spoon means a person born into an economically wealthy environment. The silver spoon's people have the front starting line of economic life.

The opposite life of the main character who lives silver spoon's life in the drama is the life of the wooden spoon's life. The Wooden spoon refers to a person born into a family environment that lacks economic leeway. The wooden spoon's people are behind the starting line of economic life.

In the drama 'Gold Spoon', where fate changes, the main character changes from a wooden spoon's life, the son of an unknown webtoon artist, to a silver spoon's life, the heir to a conglomerate group. The setting of Life Reversal, in which fate changes from wooden spoon's man to silver spoon's man, can be seen as reflecting the image of wooden spoon's people dreaming of a life reversal.

In an unrealistic drama, your parents can be changed and you can be reborn as a silver spoon's person. In an unrealistic drama, You cannot change from wooden spoon's person to silver spoon's person. However, in real life, it is almost impossible to be reborn as a silver spoon's person. and your parents can be changed. In reality, it is impossible to switch from a wooden spoon's life to a silver spoon's life. This is because there is a blood relationship that cannot be changed.

Even if it is a realistic life that cannot be reborn with a silver spoon's person, Self-made is an opportunity for success that is open to everyone. Achieving success on your own is possible in the real world. Self-made way is possible in the real world. Opportunity is open, but the way is not easy. However, we can refer to the success stories of people who have walked the difficult way and made themselves self-made.

The life of silver spoon's people is being re-examined. The life that is contrary to such a silver spoon's person is a life of an wooden spoon's person. The wooden spoon's people dreams of a life reversal, but realistically, it is close to impossible to change the life from a wooden spoon's life to a silver spoon's life. But the self-made opportunity is open to anyone. It is realistically possible, but the way to becoming a self-made person is not an easy one. There are success stories of people who have walked the difficult way to become self-made person. It is necessary to refer to the success stories of people who have made self-made people.


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